Prepared by Dr. George M Bassaly.
Date Of Writing: About 60-63 A.D.
žRecipients: The Christians of the church in Ephesus, Ephesians 1:1.
žPurpose: To strengthen the Christians in the church of Ephesus.
žTheme: The Church, the body of Christ
žBeing a prisoner in Rome who was awaiting trial, St. Paul could not revisit the church in Ephesus, as he had revisited other churches he had established during his first and second missionary journeys. St. Paul had established the church in Ephesus on his second missionary journey about ~ 54 A.D. coming from Corinth on his way to Jerusalem (Acts 18). He went back during his third missionary journey where stayed more than two years (56-58 A.D.).
A. In Christ, and
B. In “heavenly places”
The Christian’s walk – chapters 4-6:
A. Ecclesiastically (chap. 4)
B. Morally (chap. 5)
C. Socially (chap. 5:21 -6:9)
D. Martially (chap. 6:10 -24)

The three “whats” in this prayer:
žWhat is the hope of His calling? An invitation to the eternal glories: As true Christians, we start living a heavenly life on earth, and continue in heaven with what the eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.
žWhat are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints? Think of Christ’s inheritance in us. He has suns and stars, but He also wants sons and saints.
žWhat is the exceeding greatness of His power? His power in us, and with us, to live holy for Him.