Monday, September 6, 2010

The Theotokos

The Virgin Mary, the Mother of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, had many attributes that we would like to discuss. We will briefly mention three of them.

  1. Humility

She said to the angel “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38).

She did find favor with God (Luke 1:30). She was praying and saying, that God “has regarded the lowly state of His maidservant” (Luke 1:48).

My dear friend, in reading these words, we cannot but pray and ask the Lord our God to grant us to be humble in each thought, each word we utter, and each act we do.

Are we humble? Do we consider ourselves better than others? Can we serve, with true love, everyone including those who hurt us, or even those who may ignore us?

One of the best ways to be humble is not to judge people before due time, and to leave the judgment to the Just Judge. Also, knowing that we are sinful will help us in acknowledging that we are limited, and that we can commit the same mistakes like anyone else. We are not better than anyone when it comes to falling into sin. It is the grace and mercy of God that protect us.

As the Virgin Mary found favor with God, we also need to find favor with God.

Pray from all your heart that He may grant you to be humble, to know yourself, and to follow His path.

  1. Obedience and 3. Love

In any truthful love relationship, submission and obedience take a big part in it.

Love and obedience go hand in hand, and the Virgin Mary was obedient because she loved the Lord.

My dear reader, do you truly love the Lord? Is your love full of obedience? You may need to examine yourself.

Is your obedience out of fear?

Then, when will you love Him for who He is?

Is your obedience out of need?

When will you love Him because He is THE LOVE?

Is your obedience because you want to follow what the church is telling you, to follow the church crowd, and not to be left out?

When will you love Him because He is the Creator, the Savior and the King of Kings?

My dear reader, love Him from all your heart, mind, and soul, as He asked.

Pray that His will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Ask Him to grant you wisdom to understand His will, while waiting on Him. Tell Him that fulfilling His will, without understanding, is far better, and beyond measure, than fulfilling our own weak desires.

Submit to Him in love and reverence.

Finally, love Him, live Him, and live for Him, and you will see wonders in your life.

May the prayers and the intercessions of the Theotokos, the Virgin Mary, be with us all.


Pray for me

Dr. George M. Bassaly