Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bright Saturday

This night is the night the Heavens were opened to all of us, but usually we have our eyes closed as we sleep in our beds at home. Let's break that routine!

All of Holy week is a time of sadness and mourning of Christ' death but Bright Saturday is a time to be happy, to praise, and to have a good time because of the great gift we receive because of His death.

Here's the plan:

Good Friday ends around 6 pm. Afterward, there will be a meal prepared for the whole congregation.
7:30 - 9:00: Watch "The Passion" in the Nihalati room
9:00 - 9:10: Short group prayer to bless the night
9:10 - Midnight: Time for Fellowship (Or sleep)
Midnight - 5:00: Bright Saturday
5:00 - 6:30 am: Liturgy

8:00 pm... Liturgy for the Resurrection

During the fellowship, the Church will be open for anyone who would like to spend time in personal prayer. There will also be isolated rooms for those who would like to sleep so feel free to bring something to sleep on.

The facebook group will send out an event and any updates.

Bright Saturday Program
April 18th... 7:30 pm
4300 Mirador Dr, Pleasanton, CA